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Logo da Escola Lumiar

Development of the Lumiar platform_

Lumiar School Network has an innovative teaching methodology.

Ilustração de um relógio

Duration: 3 years

ilustração de um time

Team: 6 people

Imagens da plataforma Lumiar


Create a digital educational platform that implements the Lumiar Methodology.

Imagem da plataforma Lumiar


Create tools, such as digital mosaic and video calls, to support the teaching-learning process of students in schools in the network. For this project, we use: Ruby on Rails.

Imagens da plataforma Lumiar
Imagens da plataforma Lumiar


We developed Lumiar's digital platform used in schools in Brazil and Europe, which comprises all the expected teaching steps and tools

If you want to know more or talk about your project, just get in touch.

Imagens da plataforma Lumiar